Sunday, July 25, 2010

A Trip to 'Mars' on my iPad E-Book Style

One of the first e-books I read on my iPad (using the Kindle app) was Ben Bova's excellent book detailing the first man mission to Mars, titled simply, 'Mars'. One of the things I loved most about this read was all the technology details that Bova has injected into the story. Everything made scientific sense (to a point) and the overall plot kept me interested.

'Mars' is one of a trilogy of books - 'Mars', 'Return to Mars' and 'Mars Life'. Over the next several weeks I will focus a bit on each of the sequels. 'Mars' is also one of several planet books that Bova has written in 'The Grand Tour' books series. I will also focus a bit on the overall maddening part of the 'Grand Tour' books is that you can't get them all in e-book format, yet. There seems to be NO reasoning to why certain books haven't been released and others have. In fact on Ben Bova's site he has a chronological order in which he suggests the books should be read. You don't have to read them in the order he suggests, he states so himself, but it sure would be nice to have access to all them.

The book is currently priced at 7.99 on Amazon. which for this book is probably just a little bit high since it is available in paperback at 7.13. What is really strange is that Amazon has set the price for this book and the paperback price has been set by the publisher Rosetta Books. This might have something to do with the lack of various others books from the series. If anyone has any insights please leave a comment. The e-book isn't available on the Apple iBook, Barnes and Noble, or Border e-books stores.

Overall I highly recommend 'Mars' if you enjoy having real science interjected into your science fiction. The characters are pretty well fleshed out and the overall plot keeps the pages turning.

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